Toast oaks and "Oak-tober" at beer launch
by Sydney Odman and Katie Hetrick
Fall – famous for autumn winds, changing colors, cooler temperatures and dropping leaves – is also the best time to garden…even if by accident!
With this in mind, Sudwerk Brewing Co. has crafted a limited-release pilsner with locally sourced ingredients they call “The Accidental Gardener.” The label of the featured brew depicts one of nature’s most recognizable accidental gardeners, a scrub jay carrying a yet-to-be-planted oak acorn in its beak.
The event, aptly named Oak-tober Celebration, will not only unveil a new beer. Attendees will be invited to participate in acorn grinding demonstrations, discover more about pollinator-attracting landscapes, learn about other oak-focused October events (see below) and watch a live canvas painting by homegrown Davis artist Gregory Shilling. Shilling created the artwork for "The Accidental Gardener" beer label, will be selling his newly created canvas via silent auction at the end of the evening and donating 50% of proceeds back to the Friends of the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden.
In addition, guests are invited to partake in Mexican cuisine courtesy of the Taco Shop food truck (no host) and enjoy the musical stylings of World Toor Beats.
Are you an accidental gardener? Do you love oaks or maybe enjoy trying new beers? Don’t miss the “Oak-tober” celebration on Oct. 4 from 5 – 8 p.m. at the Sudwerk Brewing Co. Dock Store. The event is free and a portion of all beer purchases will be donated to support the Friends of the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden.
More "Oak-tober" Activities
- Shields Oak Grove
All day, every day we invite the public to meander through the trails of the campus’s world-renown oak collection and discover a tremendous diversity of mature oaks from around the world with a special emphasis on species from warm, dry climates. Learn more.
- Oak Discovery Day
Sunday, October 21 from 1-4 p.m. in Shields Oak Grove, join an interactive, all-ages celebration of oaks featuring Native Californian acorn grinding and food preparation demonstrations, self-guided tours and more. This event is free and open to the public. Learn more.
- Public Lecture: Fire and California Oaks
Sunday, October 21 from 6-8 p.m. at the UC Davis Conference Center, enjoy appetizers and drinks followed by a talk by Dr. David Ackerly, Dean of the UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources whose studies will help us better predict the long-term impacts of climate change and fire on California oak landscapes. Ackerly's presentation is the keynote address at the 2018 International Oak Society Conference hosted by the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden. This portion of the conference is open to the public with the purchase of a ticket. Tickets: $25 general/ $20 Friends members. Learn more and buy tickets.